[6-1] AI Bibliographies available by FTP


   The Computer Science Department at the University of Saarbruecken, Germany,
   maintains a large bibliographic database of articles pertaining to the
   field of Artificial Intelligence. Currently the database contains more
   than 25,000 references, which can be retrieved by electronic mail from
   the LIDO mailserver at lido@cs.uni-sb.de. Send a mail message with
   subject line "lidosearch help info" to get instructions on using the
   mail server. A variety of queries based on author names, title and
   year of publication are possible. The references can be provided in
   BibTeX or Refer formats. The entire bibliographic database can be
   obtained for a fee by ftp or on tape. Questions may be directed to

   A variety of AI-related bibliographies are available by anonymous ftp

   Stanford University (SUMEX-AIM) has a large BibTeX bibliography of
   Artificial Intelligence papers and technical reports. Available by
   anonymous ftp from aim.stanford.edu:/pub/ai{1,2,3}.bib

   A large collection of BibTeX bibliographies (290,000+ references) on a
   variety of subjects, including artificial intelligence (29,402
   entries), neural networks (8,111 entries), and object-oriented
   programming (3,493 entries), is available by anonymous ftp from
      ftp.ira.uka.de:/pub/bibliography/  []
   and in the mirror sites
   or by WWW from
   Some of the bibliographies prohibit commercial use. For more
   information, see the README file, or write to Alf-Christian Achilles
   <bibservadmin@ira.uka.de> or <achilles@ira.uka.de>. 

   Glimpse, a searchable interface to the UKA and other
   bibliographies, is accessible as 
   Write to glimpse@cs.arizone.edu for more information.

   OFAI Library Bibliography, in Austria

Fuzzy Logic:
   A BibTeX database of references addressing neuro-fuzzy issues can be
   obtained by anonymous ftp from 
      ftp.tu-bs.de:/local/papers/ []
   as the (ascii) file fuzzy-nn.bib.

Genetic Algorithms:

   A bibliography of over 400 Evolutionary Computation references (GA,
   ES, EP, GP) is available by anonymous ftp from 
   The file EC-ref.bib.Z is in BibTeX format; EC-ref.ps.Z is a postscript
   version of the bibliography. Please send additions and corrections to
   saravan@amber.me.fau.edu or EP-List@amber.me.fau.edu.

Logic Programming, Constraints:

   A BibTeX bibliography for Constraint Logic Programming is available
   by anonymous ftp from 
   in the bib/ and papers/ subdirectories.


   For information on a fairly complete bibliography of computational
   linguistics and natural language processing work from the 1980s, send
   mail to clbib@csli.stanford.edu with the subject HELP. 

   The CSLI linguistics bibliography contains 3,300 entries in
   bib/tib/refer format. The bibliography is heavily slanted towards
   phonetics and phonology but also includes a fair amount of
   computational morphology, syntax, semantics, and psycholinguistics.
   The bibliography can be used with James Alexander's tib
   bibliography system, which is available from minos.inria.fr
   [] among other places. The bibliography itself is available
   by anonymous ftp from 
   Contributions are welcome, but should be in tib format.
   For more information, contact Andras Kornai <kornai@csli.stanford.edu>


   Robert Dale's Natural Language Generation (NLG) bibliography is
   available by anonymous ftp from 
      scott.cogsci.ed.ac.uk:/pub/nlg/ [] 
   Note that it is formatted for A4 paper. Stick in a line 
      .94 .94 scale
   after the %! line to print on 8.5 x 11 paper. For further information,
   write to Robert Dale, University of Edinburgh, Centre for Cognitive
   Science, 2 Buccleuch Place, Edinburgh EH8 9LW Scotland, or
   <R.Dale@edinburgh.ac.uk> or <rdale@microsoft.com>.

   Mark Kantrowitz's Natural Language Generation (NLG) bibliography is
   available by anonymous ftp from 
      ftp.cs.cmu.edu:/user/ai/areas/nlp/nlg/bib/mk/ [] 
   In addition to the tech report, the BibTeX file containing the
   bibliography is also available.  The bibliography contains more than
   1,200 entries. A searchable index to the bibliography is
   available via the URL
   Additions and corrections should be sent to mkant@cs.cmu.edu. 

Neural Nets, Learning:

   A bibliography of over 1000 entries about Self-Organizing Map
   (SOM) and Learning vector Quantization (LVQ) studies is
   available by anonymous ftp from
   as the files references.bib.Z (BibTeX file) and references.ps.Z
   (PostScript file). Please send additions and corrections to 

   An extensive collection of references on Principal Component Analysis
   (PCA) neural networks and learning algorithms is available by
   anonymous ftp from dendrite.hut.fi:/pub/ref/ in LaTeX and PostScript
   formats. The list was compiled by Liu-Yue Wang, a graduate student of
   Erkki Oja, and updated by Juha Karhunen, all from Helsinki University
   of Technology, Finland.  For more information, contact Erkki Oja

   A bibliography of PCA algorithms is available by anonymous ftp from
   ftp.ai.mit.edu:/pub/sanger-papers/ as pca.bib. For more information,
   contact Terry Sanger <tds@ai.mit.edu>.

   A 36-page bibliography of connectionist models with symbolic
   processing is available by anonymous ftp from Neuroprose
      archive.cis.ohio-state.edu:/pub/neuroprose/ []
   as the file sun.nn-sp-bib.ps.Z. For more information, contact
   Ron Sun <rsun@athos.cs.ua.edu>.

Nonmonotonic Logic, Belief Revision:

   A bibliography on belief revision and nonmonotonic logics with
   about 2,000 items is available by anonymous ftp from
      tarski.phil.indiana.edu:/pub/morado/  []
   as nonmono.bib or nonmono.bib.Z. The file is also available by WAIS as
   and by gopher/WWW. Please send additions and corrections to Raymundo
   Morado <morado@phil.indiana.edu>. 


   A bibliography of papers on Silicon Auditory Models (VLSI
   implementations of auditory representations) is available by anonymous
   ftp from
   For more information, write to John Lazzaro <lazzaro@boom.cs.berkeley.edu>
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