[16] Task-specific Architectures for Problem Solving

Generic Tasks:
    Chandrasekaran, B., Towards a Functional Architecture for 
    Intelligence Based on Generic Information Processing Tasks, In 
    IJCAI-87, pages 1183-1192, Milan, 1987.

Components of Expertise:
    Steels, L., The Components of Expertise. AI Magazine, Summer, 1990.

    Breuker, J., & Wielinga, B., Models of Expertise in Knowledge
    Acquisition, in G. Guida & C. Tasso, editors, Topics in 
    Expert Systems Design: Methodologies and Tools, Amsterdam:
    North Holland Publishing Company, 1989.

Role-limiting Methods:
    McDermott, J., Preliminary Steps Toward a Taxonomy of 
    Problem-Solving Methods, in S. Marcus, editor, Automating 
    Knowledge Acquisition for Expert Systems, pages 225-255,
    Boston: Kluver Academic Publishers, 1988.
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