[7] Connectionism and Neural Nets

Introductions and Overviews:

   Geoffrey E. Hinton, "Connectionist Learning Procedures",
   Artificial Intelligence 40(1-3):185-234, 1989.  Reprinted in
   J. Carbonell, editor, "Machine Learning: Paradigms and Methods",
   MIT Press, 1990.  Also appears as Technical Report CMU-CS-87-115
   (version 2), Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, December 1987.

   Kevin Knight, "A gentle introduction to subsymbolic
   computation: Connectionism for the AI researcher". Technical Report
   CMU-CS-89-150, Carnegie Mellon University, School of Computer Science,
   Pittsburgh, PA, May 30, 1989.

   Scott Fahlman and Geoffrey Hinton, "Connectionist Architectures for
   Artificial Intelligence", IEEE Computer 20(1):100-109, January 1987.

   Fausett, L. V., "Fundamentals of Neural Networks: Architectures,
   Algorithms, and Applications", Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1994.
   ISBN 0-13-334186-0.

   John Hertz, Anders Krogh, and Richard G. Palmer, "Introduction to
   the Theory of Neural Computation", Addison-Wesley, 1991. 327 pages,
   ISBN 0-201-51560-1. [Heavy on the math.]

   Hecht-Nielsen, Robert, "Neurocomputing", Addison-Wesley, 1990, 433 pages.
   ISBN 0-201-09355-3.

   Wasserman, Phillip D., "Neural Computing: Theory and Practice", 
   Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, 1989. 230 pages, ISBN 0-442-20743-3.

   Freeman, James A., and Skapura, David M., "Neural Networks:
   Algorithms, Applications and Programming Techniques", Addison Wesley,
   Reading, MA, 1991. 401 pages, ISBN 0-201-51376-5.

   Judith Dayhoff, "Neural Network Architectures: An Introduction", Van
   Nostrand Reinhold, New York, 1990, 259 pages, ISBN 0-442-20744-1.

   Murray Smith, "Neural Networks For Statistical Modeling", Van
   Nostrand Reinhold, 1993. ISBN 0-442-01310-8 ($40). [Good explanations of

   Andy Clark, "Associative Engines: Connectionism, Concepts, and
   Representational Change", MIT Press, Cambridge, MA 1993. 252 pages,
   ISBN 0-262-03210-4.

   Simon S. Haykin, "Neural Networks: A Comprehensive Foundation",
   Macmillan, New York, 1994. 696 pages, ISBN 0-02352-761-7.

Shorter Intros:

   Geoffrey E. Hinton, "How neural networks learn from experience",
   Scientific American 267(3):144-151, 1992.

   Kevin Knight, "Connectionist ideas and algorithms", CACM 33:59-74, 1990.


   Ottmar Lutzy and Andreas Dengel <dengel@dfki.uni-kl.de>, "A Comparison
   of Neural Net Simulators" IEEE Expert 8(4), August 1993.
    [Comparison of free neural network simulators on a
     backpropagation OCR task.] 


   Timothy Masters, "Practical Neural Network Recipes in C++",
   Academic Press, 1993. 493 pages, ISBN 0-12-479040-2 ($44.95).

   Timothy Masters, "Signal and Image Processing with Neural
   Networks: A C++ Sourcebook", Wiley, 1994. $44.95 including diskette.

Paper Collections:

   Rumelhart, D.E, and McClelland, J.L., editors, "Parallel Distributed
   Processing: Explorations in the Microstructure of Cognition" (Vol. 1:
   Foundations; Vol. 2: Psychological and Biological Models),  Cambridge,
   MA: MIT Press, 1986.  (See also McClelland, J.L. and D.E. Rumelhart,
   "Explorations in Parallel Distributed Processing, A Handbook of Models, 
   Programs, and Exercises", MIT Press, Cambridge, 1988, 344 pages, for
   a companion volume with some code.]

   Waltz, D., and Feldman, J.A., "Connectionist Models and their Implications:
   Readings from _Cognitive Science_", Ablex, 1988.

   Mark Watson, "Common Lisp Modules -- Artificial Intelligence in the
   Era of Neural Networks and Chaos Theory", Springer-Verlag, 1991.
   Includes code written in Macintosh Common Lisp and uses the Mac
   graphical interface (the modules are portable to other Common Lisp
   implementations, but without the graphics).

   Anderson, J.A., and Rosenfeld, E., editors, "Neurocomputing: Foundations
   of Research", Cambridge MA: MIT Press, 1988.  Also "Neurocomputing
   Vol. 2: Directions for Research", Cambridge MA: MIT Press, 1991.

   Hinton, G.E., and Anderson, J.A., editors, "Parallel Models of
   Associative Memory" (updated edition), Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1989.

   Hinton, G.E., editor, "Connectionist Symbol Processing", MIT Press, 1990.
   [Was a special issue of Artificial Intelligence, vol. 46, nos. 1-2.]

   Touretzky, D.S., editor, "Neural Information Processing Systems", volumes
   1-4 (1988-1991), Morgan Kaufmann.  [Proceedings from the premier
   conference on neural networks.]

Connectionist Language Processing:

   See the special issue of _Connection Science_, Volume 2 Numbers 1-2, 1990.
   Also the Hinton collection "Connectionist Symbol Processing", above.

   Ronan G. Reilly and Noel E. Sharkey, editors, "Connectionist
   approaches to natural language processing", Lawrence Erlbaum
   Associates, 1992.  472 pages, ISBN 0-863-77179-3. [Paper collection.]

Connectionist Cognitive Science:

   Barnden, J.A., and Pollack, J.B., "Advances in Connectionist and Neural
   Computation Theory Vol. 1: High-Level Connectionist Models", Ablex, 1991.

   Quinlan, P., "Connectionism and Psychology: A Psychological Perspective on
   New Connectionist Research", University of Chicago Press, 1991.

   Waltz, D., and Feldman, J.A., editors, "Connectionist Models and their
   Implications: Readings from _Cognitive Science_", Ablex, 1988.

   McCloskey, M., "Networks and theories: The place of connectionism in
   cognitive science", Psychological Science 2:387-395, 1991.

Philosophical Foundations:

   Pinker, S., and Mehler, J, editors, "Connections and Symbols", MIT Press,
   1988.  [Was Cognition special issue Volume 28, 1988]

   Clark, A., "Microcognition: Philosophy, Cognitive Science, and Parallel
   Distributed Processing", MIT Press, 1989.

Simulated Annealing:

   Emile H.L. Aarts and Jan Korst, "Simulated Annealing and Boltzmann
   Machines" John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1989. 272 pages. $52.00. 
   ISBN 0-471921-467. 
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