[0] AI book publication announcements mailing list

The AI BOOK ANNOUNCEMENTS mailing list exists to inform the AI
community about the publication of new AI-related books. 

Material appropriate for the list includes announcements of BOOKS
about Artificial Intelligence and its subfields, Lisp, Prolog, and
related topics and should be sent to ai+book-announce@cs.cmu.edu.

Please include a line of the form
   Slug: AuthorSlug
in the publication announcement, where "AuthorSlug" should be replaced
with a filename for the announcement. The format for file names is the
author's last name followed by the year. For example, a book by James
Allen published in 1995 would be given the slug allen95. This slug
will be used for archiving the publication announcement. Please also
use the following standard for subject lines; this example is again
based on James Allen's book. 
   Subject: Book: James Allen, Natural Language Understanding, 2e 

To subscribe, send a message to ai+query@cs.cmu.edu with
   subscribe book-announce <First Name> <Last Name>, <Affiliation/Organization>
in the message body and no Subject line. 

For help on using the query server, send mail to ai+query@cs.cmu.edu with
in the message body.

All publication announcements are archived in the directory

If you have any other questions, please send them to ai+@cs.cmu.edu
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