posledna aktualizacia: 23.9.2004

TEMY pre obdobie 2004-2006

Potencialni diplomovi veduci:

Igor Farkas e-mail


Andrej Lucny

Microstep - MIS, externy ucitel FMFI UK, e-mail

Gabriela Polcicova


Klastrovanie dokumentov pomocou pravdepodobnostnych modelov

Cielom tejto diplomovej prace bude skumat pravdepodobnostne modely s latentnymi premennymi a ich pouzitie na automaticke klastrovanie textovych dokumentov. Od studenta sa najprv sa predpoklada pochopenie modelov latentnymi premennymi a experimentovanie s vybranymi modelmi. V praci nas bude zaujimat spravanie sa modelov ktore umoznuju dokumentom vyskytovat sa vo viacerych triedach a modelov, ktore kazdy dokument priradia do prave jedneho klastra. Bude potrebne vytvorit softverovy balik na klastrovanie dokumentov, pomocou ktoreho bude mozne pouzivatelovi vhodnym sposobom prezentovat vysledky. Gabriela Polcicova, Katedra informatiky a vypoctovej techniky, FEI STU Ilkovicova 3, 821 19 Bratislava miestnost D-213 tel.: 602 91 728 e-mail: polcicova@dcs.elf.stuba.sk www: http://www.dcs.elf.stuba.sk/~polcic/

Martin Takac

e-mail specifikacia

Jan Sefranek

e-mail specifikacia

Jan Habdak

  1. statisticky strojovy preklad z cestiny do slovenciny

    vytvorenie korpusov, bilingvalneho textu, jazykovy model, model prekladu.

  2. statisticky strojovy preklad z polstiny do slovenciny

    vytvorenie korpusov, bilingvalneho textu, jazykovy model, model prekladu.

  3. statisticky strojovy preklad z rustiny do slovenciny

    vytvorenie korpusov, bilingvalneho textu, jazykovy model, model prekladu.

  4. statisticke jazykove modely

    a) pre pribuzne jazyky

    b) na kontrolu textov

  5. kategorizacia textov

    zaradenie podobnych textov do skupin

  6. dizajn nabytku (novej stolicky, stola alebo dveri)

    pouzitie genetickeho programovania v interierovom dizajne

TEMY pre obdobie 2002-2004

Chitta Baral

e-mail to
Jan Sefranek


Splitting theorems for extensions of AnsProlog

In this thesis we will study various extensions of AnsProlog such as extensions that allow cardinality and weight constraints, and allow set notations and develop splitting theorems for them. We will then show how these splitting theorems can be used in (i) showing the conservative extension property, (ii) building up of answer sets for such programs, etc.

Thomas Eiter

e-mail to Jan Sefranek

http://www.kr.tuwien.ac.at/staff/eiter/eiter.html 3 Master Theses in the frame of the Project

Optimizing Logic Programs under the Answer-Set Programming Paradigm

Scientific Context

With the rise of Answer Set Programming as a problem solving paradigm, in which solutions are computed in the answer sets of a non-monotonic logic program, a lot of research is nowadays being carried out in this area. A strength of this approach is its capability of dealing with nondeterminism in a simple manner, such that multiple solutions to a problem can be naturally generated. This has been exploited to model and solve problems which involve nondeterminism such as planning in nondeterministic domains [5;6], or in diagnosis of systems [7], to mention a few.

In fact, implementations of nonmonotonic logic-programming systems such as DLV [1], Smodels [2], or ASSAT [3], which have been built in the last years, led to the consideration of a wide range of practical applications. in nonmonotonic logic programming. Besides the applications mentioned above, other promising applications are e.g. in data-integration [4] or model checking [8], with other areas to be explored.

This increasing practical impact of Answer Set Programming has also renewed the interest in the study of foundational properties, and creates a need for improvement of the current algorithms for computing answer sets. One of the currently investigated links between theory and practice, which has a crucial role, is program optimization.

Program optimization deals with syntactic and semantic criterions which allow to simplify a given program. Simplifications can be considered as an elimination of redundant rules or redundant literals within a rule, as well as a rewriting of the entire program into a program of a simpler class (for instance, by elimination of disjunctions). There have been proposed different semantical notions of equivalence between logic programs (cf. [9,15,16]), including the important notions of strong equivalence [9] and uniform equivalence [16].

While optimization of logic programs as such is not new, previous work in the literature did not pay much attention (almost no) to negation in programs; in particular, unstratified negation as in non-monotonic logic programs for Answer Set Programming was not considered.

2. Project Goals

There is preliminary theoretical work [9,11,12] by the project leader on optimizing non-monotonic logic programs under the equivalences mentioned above, which describes some basic aspects as well as suggests some plain core algorithms for concrete realizations.

The goal of the proposed project is to deepen and complement this theoretical work, in particular in connection with experimental studies which indeed require a number of implementations. Among this needs is the realization of a general simplification algorithm which makes use of several important sub-modules, each of them testing whether and in which way a program can be simplified by a particular method. It is an open issue how these basic tests can be optimized themselves, in order to significantly improve answer set solving in the aforecited practical domains.

Simplifying logic programs enjoys a further important justification, when programs are automatically generated by domain-specific front-ends (for instance, the planning front-end DLV^K; see [5]), since in this case the burden of optimization is left to the underlying system, rather than to the programmer.

As a particular area to implement several simplification strategies, we plan to investigate their impact in the case of data integration [4], where we focus on the problem of query optimization.

3. Objectives and Expected Results

As an outcome of the project, a sophisticated implementation of a component-based simplification-toolbox is planned. The implementation should be done by students from Comenius-University of Bratislava. The students benefit from the scientific support they gain by visiting TU Wien.

The needed additional theoretical research should result in Master's Theses for each of the students and should be integrated to the current research at TU WIEN.

Joint scientific publications based on the results from the project are therefore expected as well.


[1] T. Eiter, W. Faber, N. Leone, and G. Pfeifer. Declarative Problem-Solving Using the DLV System. In J. Minker, ed., Logic-Based Artificial Intelligence, pp. 79-103. Kluwer, 2000. Link: http://www.dbai.tuwien.ac.at/proj/dlv/

[2] P. Simons, I. Niemel{\"a}, and T. Soininen. Extending and Implementing the Stable Model Semantics. Artificial Intelligence, 138:181-234, June 2002. Link: http://www.tcs.hut.fi/Software/smodels/

[3] F. Lin and Y. Zhao. ASSAT: Computing Answer Sets of a Logic Program by SAT Solvers. In Proc. AAAI-2002. AAAI Press / MIT Press, 2002. Link: http://assat.cs.ust.hk/

[4] T. Eiter, M. Fink, G. Greco, and D. Lembo. Efficient Evaluation of Logic Programs for Querying Data Integration Systems. Proc. ICLP-03. To appear.

[5] T. Eiter, W. Faber, N. Leone, G. Pfeifer, Axel Polleres. A Logic Programming Approach to Knowledge-State Planning, I+II. Tech.Rep. INFSYS RR-1843-03-11/12, TU Wien, 2003. Link: http://www.kr.tuwien.ac.at/research/reports/#2001 Link: http://www.dbai.tuwien.ac.at/proj/dlv/K/

[6] V. Lifschitz. Answer set planning. In Proc. ICLP-99 Link: http://www.cs.utexas.edu/users/vl/papers/asp.ps

[7] T. Eiter, W. Faber, N. Leone, and G. Pfeifer. The Diagnosis Frontend of the dlv-System, AI Communications, 12(1-2):99-111, 1999. Link: http://www.dbai.tuwien.ac.at/proj/dlv/

[8] K. Heljanko and I. Niemel=E4. Bounded LTL Model Checking with Stable Models. Theory and Practice of Logic Programming (TPLP), 3 (4&5): 519-550, 2003. Link: http://arXiv.org/abs/cs/0305040

[9] V. Lifschitz, D. Pearce, and A. Valverde. Strongly Equivalent Logic Programs. ACM Trans. on Computational Logic, 2(4):526--541, 2001. Link: http://www.cs.utexas.edu/users/vl/papers/ht.ps

[10] T. Eiter and M. Fink. Uniform Equivalence of Logic Programs under the Stable Model Semantics. Tech.Rep. INFSYS RR-1843-03-08, TU Wien, 2003. Short version in Proc. ICLP-03. To appear. Link: http://www.kr.tuwien.ac.at/research/reports/

[11] T. Eiter, M. Fink, H. Tompits, and S. Woltran. Simplifying logic programs under uniform and strong equivalence. Manuscript, submitted, July 2003.

[12] T. Eiter, M. Fink, H. Tompits, and S. Woltran. Eliminating Disjunction from Propositional Logic Programs under Stable Mod= el Preservation Manuscript, submitted, September 2003.

[13] Link: http://www.kr.tuwien.ac.at/research/infomix.html

[14] Link: http://wasp.unime.it/

[15] M.J. Maher. Equivalences of logic programs. In J.Minker, editor, Foundations of Deductive Databases and Logic Programming, pp. 627--658, Morgan Kaufmann, 1988.

[16] Y. Sagiv. Optimizing datalog programs In J.Minker, editor, Foundations of Deductive Databases and Logic Programming, pp. 659--698, Morgan Kaufmann, 1988.

[17] M. Osorio, J. Navarro, and J. Arrazola. Equivalence in Answer Set Programming In A. Pettorossi, ed., Proc. LOPSTR 2001, LNCS 2372, pp. 57--75. Springer, 2001.

Jan Habdak


Casova klasifikacia textov

Cielom prace je najst techniky postihujuce jazykovu zmenu, ktore by umoznili zaradit texty do casu, v ktorom vznikli. praca bude obsahovat analyzu dynamiky jazyka plus vypoctovy komponent, ktory s pouzitim technik strojoveho ucenia vyhodnoti zadany text na zaklade predspracovaneho korpusu datovanych textov. klucove slova: jazyk, strojove ucenie.

Prof. RNDr. Jozef Gruska, DrSc.

e-mail Temy: Nutnou podmienkou je zapisat si (a v priebehu ZS 4.r. absolvovat) prednasku prof. Grusku Kvantove algoritmy a automaty. Zaujemci o podrobnejsie informacie, obratte sa priamo na prof. Grusku. Je mozne zvoli si aj dalsie temy.

Lubos Popelinsky


Caste vzory v sekvencnich datech

Cilem prace je 1. Podat prehled existujicich metod strojoveho uceni a statistickych metod pro vyhledavani castych vzoru - podsekvenci, logickych formuli - v sekvencnich datech, 2. Navrhnout a implementovat system pro hledani takovych castych podsekvenci. 3. Pouzit tento system pro analyzu sekvencnich dat, napr. posloupnosti Unixovskych prikazu, komunikace s webem, analyzu struktury molekul nebo textu. Literatura: Sun R., Giles C.L.: Sequence Learning. LNCS Vol. 1828, Springer Verlag, 2001. clanky z konferenci -------------------------------------------------------------------- Lubos Popelinsky Voice: +420 5 41512 324 Dept. of Comp.Sci., Faculty of Informatics Fax : +420 5 4121 2568 Masaryk University, Botanicka 68a Email: popel@fi.muni.cz CZ-602 00 Brno, Czech Republic www.fi.muni.cz/~popel KD group at FI MU http://www.fi.muni.cz/kd --------------------------------------------------------------------

prof. ing. Vladimir Kvasnicka, DrSc.

e-mail Katedra matematiky CHTF STU

Umela chemia a modelovanie evolucie molekul

doc. RNDr. Jiri Pospichal, PhD.

e-mail Katedra matematiky CHTF STU

Spolupraca a sutazenie v koaliciach agentov

Mikulas Popper


Aproximati­vna inferencia a heterogenne prostriedky reprezentacie neurcitosti

Inferencny mechanizmus na baze distribuovanych procesov

blizsia specifikacia oboch tem

Ing. Milan Rusko

e-mail Temy: Obe ulohy mozu byt rozsirene aj na ine jazyky, konkretne databazu SpeechDat-E vlastnime aj v madarskej, ceskej, polskej a ruskej verzii. Syntezu mame rozpracovanu aj v jazyku madarskom.

Marian Vittek

e-mail Temy:

Objektovo orientovane prepisovacie systemy pre C#

(Teoreticko-implementacna praca.)

Systemy na prepisovanie termov su vseobecne rozsirenym formalizmom pouzivanym najma pri implementacii symbolickych manipulacii. V sucastnosti existuje niekolko nastrojov a programovacich jazykov umoznujucich efektivnu implementaciu prepisovacich systemov. Tieto jazyky vacsinou pracuju s predefinovanou reprezentaciou termov. Niektore najnovsie prace sa snazia aplikovat prepisovanie termov na existujuce datove typy beznych imperativnych programovacich jazykov, t.j. na struktury a objekty. Cielom diplomovej prace by bolo prehlbit tento vyskum a aplikovat ho na objekty jazyka C#.

Refaktorovanie deklarativnych programov

(Teoreticko-implementacna. Viac teoreticka ako implementacna.)

Refaktorovanie programov je zaujimava technika softweroveho inzinierstva rozsirujuca sa hlavne v oblasti objektovo orientovaneho programovania. Zakladom refaktorovania su modifikacie programov, ktore nemenia spravanie sa programu avsak skvalitnuju samotny kod. Napriklad extrakcia casti kodu do novej funkcie s automaticky generovanou hlavickou je refaktorovanie. Cielom diplomovej prace by bolo preskumat aplikaciu refaktorovania v prostredi deklarativneho programovania, t.j. v jazykoch ako Lisp, Prolog a Elan. Islo by hlavne o studium existujucicg refaktorovani, napr. extract funciu, hladanie redundantnych casti kodu (akasi unifikacia kodu) a skumanie novych cisto deklarativnych refaktorovani.

Referencia: Martin Fowler: Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code.

Maria Markosova

Katedra informatiky, FEI STU, e-mail

Perkolacne procesy na stvorcovej mriezke.

Perkolacia, presakovanie, je jav, ktory sa studuje na modeloch. Jednym z nich je aj model smerovanej perkolacie na stvorcovej mriezke, ktory sa zda byt ciastocne analyticky riesitelny. Ulohou diplomanta by bolo presnymi numerickymi vypoctami, popripade aj analytickymi uvahami, prispiet k analytickemu rieseniu modelu smerovanej perkolacie.